2 Hours of Photography Coverage
Up to 25 Edited Digital High Resolution Images
Delivery of Final Images Within 4 weeks via a digital gallery
Non-commercial Use License
We do offer prints as an add-on and will be happy to cover those options with you.
Before your wedding day you become engaged. It is the magic day that starts you on the road to your wedding day. Taking the time to take photographs to remember this important event is the start of your investment in your future life. Not only will you get some beautiful photographs of you and your partner, you will be able to get used to working with Chris to get those wonderful images.
Do you and your partner have a favorite location where you feel at ease, love to spend time, have great memories of? Let’s plan to go there and take some memorable images of you doing things you love.
We will explore the location to find the best spots to take relaxed images of you together.
Once we book the engagement session we will pick a date and a location.
We will pick the best time to be there and plan to be there about 15 minutes before that so that we can comfortably get to the best spots to take the photographs.
We will most likely explore a bit and find a second and a third spot to take different images, making sure you are comfortable, relaxed and having fun.
After the session is complete, your photographs will be processed and the best ones uploaded to a secure digital gallery where you can access them and share with the people you choose.
If you want high quality prints made from any of the photographs, we will be happy to provide that service.